Hello all! Im blogging for the second consecutive day. Just some quick interesting stuff that happened today...Our whole class ran for our lives towards the economics tutorial classroom today cuz in a matter of 2 minutes, we would be marked LATE+Get a horrible grilling session from our Tutor!! In order not to ruin out class reputation, that was what we did. As usual, climbed up Mt Everest and by the time we got to the class, we were drenched in our sweat and were panthing like MAD! (Yeah seemed like some psycho tsunami drenched us) Anyway, Enjoyed Classes today and tutorials were fun!
Lunch!! Ate a fantastic plate of fragrant bee hoon, with sunny side-up eggs, sambal fish cakes, sour spicy sotong, topped with a nice looking cockroach! Yes that wasn't any spelling error haha! To my "pleasant" surprise, there was this nice looking cockroach, fried to golden perfection in my plate of beehoon! Wah haha when the cockroach entered my mouth, I immediately felt something weirdly bitter... I then spat the substance out and realised that it was a cockroach! Wah LAO Eh guess what?? Hahaha, I then made the most DISGUSTING VOMIT sound in the History of 'all the worse sounds in the world'
Everyone around me suddenly turned their attention towards me and yeah, felt really PAISEH hahaha!! What to do you tell me?!?! COCKROACH IN MY MOUTH LEH, NEVER RESPOND...SIAO AH! next I walked back to the counter and COMPLAIN!! The auntie was so apologetic that she replaced my whole MEAL!! Nabeh lah... I should have eaten the eggs and the sotong first then complain... lost the extras crap!! (Anyway I could have complained to the management and their shop would been suspended and this, in accounting terms, would generate BIG LOSSES for their business Muhahaha!! But you know, im so Sweet and Nice, How could I bear to do such a THING?? Moreover, Im a loyal member of her Nasi Lemak okie!!:)
Next, after Mr deep-fried golden cockroach ended up in the bin while the rest in my stomach, I went for Character Development tutorial (Like CME). There, we were told to look for an organisation to do our voluntary work! Believe me... looking for such organisation is really difficult! After an hour of unsuccessful search, I ended up in the Singapore Zoo webbie... really ODD, Not sure why I ended up there (I think one of my classmates said I look like the Cute animal BELOW----->
I think I look like this Cute Monkey... DO I? Yeah you know I look as cute as it!!:) Then I thought, well why not do voluntary work by caring for animals at the zoo? Isn't that Exciting?!?! Il being able to interact with all these really adorable animals and experience the life of a "zookeeper" firsthand!! From the dirtiest to the most exciting duties, I hope to gain as much experience as possible!! Woohoo!:)
However, I hope I wont have to stand under this Big guy with a raincoat and a bucket, collecting his sweet old poop and pee all day long, I hope they wouldn't do such a thing to us haha!:) That wouldn't be such a good thing! (taken from gallery.hd.org)! Cute Elephant!! I like! But I wouldn't want to stand under that bus shelter!:) The 'rain' still seeps through like a fire hose haha!!Finally, time to sleep! Hope you've enjoyed this post! Should you have any things you want to shoot me about (I know Nat, you seem to find every reason in this world to shoot me) or Praise ME, please tag me as much as possible so Il see how to lash you or compliment you!! As usual, "Bad things from you = EXTREMELY CRUEL THINGS FROM ME TWICE THE INTENSITY" & and SEXY PRAISES ABOUT ME = NOT SO SEXY MESSAGES FROM ME TO YOU (Cuz im like still the sexiest duh lol!! Don't try to win me on that one haha! what to do, life's always unfair so GET USED TO IT!! Haha!:)
Se ya around!
Oh Yah Oh Yah before I forget, I ate like three super fattening oily but super delicious doughnuts today!!! Buay tahan, Too good to stop lah haha:)
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