Its the holidays!!!:)
Wow... time really passed so fast! Its as if yesterday was Christmas haha. I have apparently three weeks of breakso I spent the whole Sunday settling all my timetable! I was very lucky to have found another job at Lot 1 hahaha:) Though I had to take a huge pay cut compared to my previous job at Mandrin oriental, its just right opposite my workplace so I think its well worth it!! (I save alot of money on transport fees and time, which equals to money hahahaha!!:)
The supervisor Jimmy seems like a really nice guy so im actually looking forward to working there. I really hope the environment it way better than where I used to work, and that I can get along well with the staff, fingers crossed though:S. Whatever it is, il be working four full days (Wednesday to Sat), then subsequently all weekends for the holidays, afterwhich il work on Friday evenings and Saturdays! Think its time I start saving for my future!! S$1,000,000 here I come Muhahahahaha:)
Il be more or less spending my time studying for the next two weeks, in a bid to do better then my previous two semesters!:) 5 subjects total, so I think I better start mugging:)
Went out with Han Wee and John today to buy our neccessities. The rest didn't join us cuz for one girl, the area were she lived was flooded by the rain, causing the ground to sink, the other had to spend time tapping her head cuz the blood just came exploding out from her nosie, another one if im not wrong, is spending time on a secluded mountain top of a peninsula. Far from her is another one spending more time in Sushi Tei then at her own home LOL:)
have finally gotten myself a pair of jeans, a shirt and an oversized bag. The total cost is enough to purchase 10 FAT cows, spend a night at the Ritz Carlton, go for a head transplant, or even pay for Nat's lifetime delivery of presents ahhahahaha:D All the more I should be working to cover my expenses!!!
Thats all for the time being folks. Wish me luck for my first day of work!!:)
The gentleman ooohhhhhh YYyeessssss:)