Where's the inspiration?!?!!

Back to originality unfortunately... FInally I can Post pictures and link up my buddies!:)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Its Friday!

Hi once again!:) Im bored... and this weather has left me with a nose so blocked, I had to breathe through my ears whoa!!:( Went to work today, was a little moody cuz the packing load seems to increase rather than shrink and its irritating me!!! Went for lunch later with my Mum and was like rude to her (was like replying orh, em, ok, yah, oh, "silence") when she asked me a question) cuz I was moody (sorry mum!) We then went to the nearby fruit shop to buy some grapes and apples. Suddenly comes experiment 1: Controlling your bladder!:)

I had the urge to visit the toilet way before lunch, but was too busy to go so I thought control anyway... but things got pretty bad after one hour (after lunch + visit to the fruit shop and NTUC). As I walked back to the office with my Mum, my legs started to shiver... and ohhhhh it was SO BAD!! I started walking faster and faster and was eventually jogging and my Mum had to tail me for like 500m all the way to the office in her heels! Haha it was pretty dumb of me not to explain why I was in a hurry when she asked why but believe me... I was in agony lol!:)

I was glad I made it to the office lobby but I soon realised a deadly challenge: Taking the lift that travel 2 storeys up every second for 36 floors. (Remember this theory where everything that goes up must come down? And that when everything in forced up will be severely forced down?? Yeah now you got it cuz my situation was based on the freaking "forcing up and down theory" thing!:)
I started to panic, but NO NO NO!! I can't panic cuz im so close to unleashing nature's fury onto everyone in the lift!! I couldn't imagine ruining my day with a (from light blue to dark blue pair of jeans), becoming "talk of the day" in front of a group of ang mohs in the lift, and be a curse victim by the poor cleaner who must be wondering "Who the heck spilled citrus lipton all over the lift floor?!"

Yeah... the lesson learnt from this controlling of pee saga thing: Don't go against nature hahaha!!:)

Okay moving on, went for Co after work today: after so many months!!! rehearsed okay for my instrument and bumped into Mdm Tan! (Nat you know who!) She was like jokingly scolding me for being thick skinned to come and see her LOL:) Yeah but I knew she wasn't serious about the scolding, I hope, haha!:) But I felt guilty the moment I saw her... I have skipped so many lessons and am lagging behind so badly!!! The concert is just two weeks away and I hope il be able to make the difference in two lessons. wahhh so taxing!!:...( Anyway I promised her I would go down next week!

Okay people, I think thats all for today and do look back for more entries!:) Forget about the godfather.... be Hip, be Cool! Join Triple B (Batam Beach Boies)!

The Boss,
Punisher of 47837 spoilt brats of society so far


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